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Medical Cannabis is a rapidly growing industry in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Wellington and White is currently involved in several ongoing projects in Lesotho, Malawi and South Africa. White has all the skills and practical experience to develop medical cannabis production and processing from the licensing stage to full implementation including all technical aspects, ongoing management and financials.


The establishment of an AGRIBUSINESS in any sector is a highly specialized activity. WELLINGTON AND WHITE  provide the necessary skills to establish the full scope of the project, implement the full operation and provide the full hands-on practical management experience required to bring the project to fruition and ensure a plan for sustainable maintenance and growth.


The development of a business to grow, process and export medical cannabis requires a significant investment but with the right management know-how and the correct scientific technology applied it can be extremely profitable. To produce the correct product for export, be it dried flowers, crude oil or one of the oil derivatives is not simply a matter of building a few tunnels or a basic greenhouse.  Such operation requires:


  • Capex and Opex plus

  • Technical design and input on all aspects to develop the project

  • Build management

  • Operational management

  • Master growers

  • Access to the cannabis strains

  • Agronomy resources

  • Scientific resources

  • Security systems

  • Assistance with Funding andOff Take Agreements

  • First world expertise and local knowledge; Wellington and White is ideally positioned to bring projects to market.

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