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Wellington and White operate under a concept of Conceiving Designing Building and Operating projects in the Agribusiness sector. This is a seamless process and involves Wellington and White participating in every step of a project from inception through to eventual operation – this results in and assures a high degree of project ownership and a high level of participation, responsibility and return on commitments undertaken.

Wellington and White have over 70 years of International experience in the Agribusiness sector spanning 6 continents much of this in Sub-Saharan Africa – but also including Brazil, the USA, Europe and China.  That experience covers hands-on designing, building and operating a large variety of operations and includes international business development, building and management of large multi-national operations. The Conceive, Design, Build, Operate concept seeks to describe the following:




 Many Projects begin with the intent to build a sustainable business but often not a fixed or clear idea or plan of what is to be the project.  Agribusiness Projects no less so – and especially in Africa where sustainable production of food, job creation and skills transfer are at a premium and at a low level. Very often the desire or perception of what form an Agribusiness of this nature should take is vague – or absent all together. At the ‘CONCEIVE’ stage of the concept, Wellington and White have initiated many businesses from inception – we will provide guidance as to the suitability of products for an area, suitability of land, topography and land surveying, water availability, irrigation requirements and management; weather conditions, transportation and access. None of these is complete without a market for the product; we will provide market intelligence at all levels to complete the CONCEIVE stage of a project – and develop this into a “Business Plan”.




With the careful development of the “Business Plan” the project passes into the second phase of the concept DESIGN. Wellington and White will draw on personal and professional experience in Green Field and Start-Up operations to develop a design for the project that will best fit the requirements of operation and the sustainability of the business.  We will also draw on the very wide network of experienced proven professionals available to Wellington and White – as and when needed. This will include all aspects of design – from recommended seed, seedlings, nurseries, planting, land management and good farming practices, irrigation, harvest and delivery for processing – the processing proper, QA, HACCP and food safety requirements and post-harvest technology and delivery to market.




In the continuum of the concept, design passes to BUILDING. With CONCEPT firmly established and incorporated by DESIGN, we will address, plan and move the operation into the BUILDING.  Again drawing on extensive personal operational experience in Green Field and Start-Up operations and supplemented by the very wide network of experienced, proven professionals available to Wellington and White; this will include first class providers of materials, equipment and technology. These resources, under the management of Wellington and White, will BUILD and provide a turn-key operation, fully fit for purpose and ready for start-up.




CONCEIVE, DESIGN, BUILD; it is the belief of Wellington and White that an Agribusiness brought into operation thus far needs to be sustainable, successful and deliver on the objectives first established when conceived, designed and built for purpose. At the OPERATIONAL level, and in order to provide a return on commitments undertaken, Wellington and White will propose to actively participate in operations and management of the business delivered fit for purpose. This we will do, again using our extensive personal operational and management experience and, when needed, from the wide network of experienced professionals available to Wellington and White.





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